Friday, March 22, 2013

Ready, Set..... Crap.

So since im a failure at keeping a journal, I thought I might try blogging instead.... We'll see how it goes ;)

     I guess I had better start at the beginning. I was attending Utah Valley University when I was 19 years old. My first semester was great! I was doing what I had dreamed of doing since I was 5 years old, dancing.  I love to dance. I was enjoying every minute of it.  My teachers were all surprised how quickly I improved since I had come into the program with basically no training.  I had, of course, had a few dance classes when I was 14 but since my parents could not really afford them I wasn't able to keep going.

Every once in a while on campus I would run into some familiar faces, +Brittany Nyman Gardiner was a friend that I shared a lot of classes with and I was grateful to know at least someone there.  Another Friendly face was +Rivka Bundra or Rivka Turnidge as she was then ;)  Her company was calm and filled with smiles and I always enjoyed being around her.
     Then, every once in a while, I would run into this super quiet kid that I was convinced thought I was the biggest idiot and was horrified to be seen in public saying hello to me. Sean Moody had always been quiet though so I wasn't sure, I knew him from high school and we had only ever had one conversation (which was about his best friend who, ironically enough, I had a small crush on) and that was back in high school, so who knew what that kid was actually thinking when he saw me now. I actually smelled my self once to make sure I didn't stink, after an extremely awkward moment when we were both going up the stairs to the cafeteria, me with my dance buddies and him with a group of guys (who I now know was his brother Dave and his friend Andrew) I had said hi and tried to engage in some small conversation whilst we were both stuck on the same stair case... All I got was a "Hi....Fine......" then nothing.... then with a "well it was good to see you" my dance friends and I walked, very diliberately, in the opposite direction  exchanging "yikes!" looks and trying not to laugh with embarrassment.
     The next time I saw him was, again, in the cafeteria.  I was sitting with my girls eating lunch when I looked up and saw him paying for his food I called him and waved hi. He politely came over but I could tell he wanted nothing more than to leave. So I said "well maybe I'll see you later" he said "ya" and walked away.  I didn't get it. I didn't think I was that big of a moron in high school.... But who knows?  Here's what was actually going on (I love this story)

Sean had actually been following a girl (stalking more like) from his last class.  He had been trying to get up the nerve to ask her out but had never seen her alone so he had never had the chance.  So when he saw her head for the cafeteria by herself he set off behind her, waiting for his moment. She got food, paid for it and sat down by herself. "Perfect" he thought. Then, just so he wouldn't look like a creeper, he got a tray of food and was heading to pay for it, all the time watching her to make sure she his window of opportunity was still open. Then as he was paying for his food he heard this: "Hey Sean!" He looked up at the source of his name and thought "Rachel Pehrson....Crap!" so he walked over to me to say hi and not be rude, all the while twitching about getting out of there, then when he was (finally) able to escape after an excruciating 5 second conversation he headed over to this girl but when he got close to her table he found her with her eyes closed praying over her food and he thought "ah forget it!"
Hahahahahahahaha! To this day I tell him it was just the universe trying to tell him to pay attention to the right girl instead of wasting his time on someone else.

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